T + 353 (0)21 439 7111 E graffiti@eircom.net W www.graffiti.ie
Graffiti is a professional theatre company which specialises in making exciting theatre for children and young people. Based in Cork, the company creates performances in English and Irish for audiences aged from 6 months to 18 years. Graffiti presents in theatres, schools and crèches, offering work of outstanding artistic quality, work which understands the needs of each particular age group and which supports teachers and parents with innovative resource materials.
In addition, Graffiti's Creative Learning Department runs three youth theatres for young people (Activate Youth Theatre (Senior/Pre Senior/Junior), who meet for workshops on a weekly basis and create their own productions. The Creative Learning Department also run an impressive range of programmes including workshops about bullying, racism, identity and personal and educational development in and out of the school setting. Through Youth Theatres and/or active workshops in schools, young people gain a sense of self-worth and citizenship.
One of the most fascinating projects of recent years is theatre for very young children and babies, including full-scale professional performances and the interactive workshops of the BEAG team.
Graffiti is both nationally and internationally recognised for the range and depth of its work which also includes influential research, mentoring of young artists and an active commitment to the development of Theatre for (and by) Young Audiences.
Compántas gairmiúil lonnaithe i gCorcaigh is ea Graffiti, a bhunaigh Emelie FitzGibbon sa bhliain 1984. Cuireann sé drámaíocht agus amharclannaíocht oideachasúil ar fáil don aos óg. I rith an ama sin, tá léirithe an chompántais feicthe ag breis agus milliún duine óg in Éirinn agus thar lear. Sa bhliain 1999 leathnaigh Graffiti a chlár chun amharclannaíocht na Gaeilge a chuimsiú agus tá sé tar éis roinnt drámaí nua, a choimisiniú, a léiriú agus a thógáil ar thuras le deich mbliana anuas. Tugann sé cuairt ar scoileanna ar fud na Mumhan agus deisceart Laighean.
Artistic Director & Chief Executive | Niall Cleary |
General Manager and Company Secretary | Jennifer O'Donnell |
Associate Director | Síle Ní Bhroin |
BEAG Early Years Project Co-ordinator | Ravnita Joyce |
Administration Assistant | Christine Callanan |
Fighting Words Cork Co-Ordinator | Ravnita Joyce |
Seoid by ( 2018)
An Garraíodóir by Síle Ní Bhroin, Mike Kenny ( 2017)
Generation Revolution by Raymond Scannell ( 2016)
Dorchadas Draíochta by Síle Ní Bhroin, Mike Kenny ( 2016)
After Dark by Mike Kenny ( 2015)
Walking Man by Jody O'Neill ( 2011)
Permutations and Palpitations by Raymond Scannell ( 2009)
Cloud Pictures by Mike Kenny ( 2008)
Closed Circuit by Raymond Scannell ( 2006)